Keep it dark
The last Keep it Freaky party of the year is nearly here! Join us for a night of bass driven music, freaky dancing and lasers.

Keep it Dark residents Reckless Kettle and Hildisvini will be behind the decks all night giving you:
⦿ Percussive techno cuts for powerful dancing
⦿ EBM (electronic body music) to keep things kinky
⦿ Breakbeats old and new
⦿ Occasional jabs of searing acid
⦿ Deep rich dubby flavours throughout the night
A party is only as good as it’s guests so you need to help us out on this. Make an effort to contribute to the party with lots of friendly, happy dancing energy. Look out for your friends to make sure they are safe.
Fetishwear is encouraged: Latex, leather, PVC is great. If you don’t own any of that stuff then get creative, dress up and wear something freaky. If that is not your thing then standard all black club attire is recommended. By wearing something more daring you will help contribute to creating a space where others feel that they can freely express themselves.
Do you want to get in for free? Send us a photo of you in your amazing freaky outfit at least 24hrs in advance and we might award you with a guest list spot. (send to instagram)
⦿ No light-sources on the dancefloor.
⦿ No photos or videos inside the club
⦿ Avoid getting phones out on the dancefloor
⦿ We want all our guests to feel comfortable and safe. Be sure that you and any of your friends are not giving anyone unwanted attention.
⦿ If someone is bothering you or you have any questions please speak to a member of the Keep it Dark team, bar staff or security.
⦿ ID 18+
Age-restriction: 18
Bought tickets is not refundable